I got up this morning and really didn't know what to do. After saying a quick prayer, I looked out of the window. Yeah, vehicles were moving to and fro and the Buses were picking up passengers infront of my house. That's the way of the world for you. People will always go about their own businesses irrespective of the way you feel about them. That thought jolted me back to my senses. I have a part time job now, and I'm still trying to get a full time job. However, there is something I still want to do. Until I make my mark in the literary world, I will not be satisfied. I know I've got a writing talent and God is expecting me to unleash it on the world. I believe God does not give us gifts for nothing [ the black boys in South East London will say 'nuffin' ]. So I really want to use my writing gifts.
I just finished sending some articles to thejuicetimes.com. It is news website conceptualized and run by my friend, Abiola Oyewo. I believe his site will do well. April is already gone. Tomorrow is the last day of the month. My hands are itching and something tells me I will finally be able to complete a projeect of mine this year. Lets keep our fingers crossed. And how was your day?
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