Tuesday, 23 June 2009
So do you have a dream? If you do, it is time to start moving things yourself. You dont need to wait for a Producer or Publisher to spot you. You dont need a middleman to make your dreams come to pass all the time. A lot of creative people are realizing that they are being ripped off by Record Companies and Publishers. It is increasingly becoming a do-it-youself world. If you're into music, you can use MySpace to promote your music. There are also other sites online which you can use to push your songs to people on the web. And there are 1.5 billion people on the world wide web. That is a huge market for you. If you're a creative writer like me, you should start thinking of self publishing. Check out www.lulu.com for your publishing needs. There are also a lot of online writing jobs. So if the Media does not employ you after dropping your CV and attending several interviews, it is time to be self employed. It might be difficult at the beginning but things will come good if you're hardworking, creative and focused.
If you're entrepreneurial in nature, you can promote your company by having an account on Facebook and Bebo. There are many social networking sites around that you can use for advertising and Marketing purposes. You can also use online forums like Nairaland, Nigerian Village Square and NaNaija.com to let people know what you're doing and up to. The World Wide Web is a place where the unimaginable can be done and where you can fulfil your dreams. All thanks to Tim Berners Lee, the man behind www [ World Wide Web ]. We are in the age of information and you should naturally not be left behind. God has deposited all we need to succeed in us right from the day we were born. Our heavenly father loves us and he knows there will come a time when we will need to look inwards for survival. That is why he gave us gifts and abilities. Thank God for his goodness. So hold on to your dreams and keep your head up. You've got something that can not be taken away from you. You're blessed. And how was your day?
Friday, 19 June 2009
I have now come back to my senses. I have come back to the girl that truly loves me. I love Blogspot and I won't negelect it. Gosh!!, there is so much communication these days online with all kinds of social networking sites springing up. Sometimes I wonder where we get the time to comment and post our thoughts online, when we've got jobs to do. Or are we all work-at-home types who are always online? Hmn. So what has been happening to you since I was gone? Talk to me, mate. I should not be the one telling you stuff all the time. So I am all ears now. Spill it. And how was your day?
Friday, 22 May 2009
- Michelle Williams, member of Destiny's Child.
I came across these profound words in a copy of ESSENCE Magazine. Michelle Williams has continued to release gospel albums despite being a member of Destiny's Child, the American R&B group. I dunno if the group still exists. Beyonce Knowles is now a recognised solo artist. Haven't heard about Kelly Rowland for some time. Michelle's words really touched me. I know God does not give us gifts without expecting us to use them for certain purposes. Many people die without using the talents God placed in them. This happens due to a lot of reasons including poverty, sudden death, ignorance, misplaced priorities, laziness, lack of focus and general lethargy.
However, there are always opportunities for us to make our dreams come true. This is the best period in history for people to actualize their dreams. A lot of things and technology have been put in our hands. We can connect with people in different parts of the world easily. We can share our dreams with others and receive advice from them. We can have our own websites for free or at a cheap price. If we are determined enough, we can become millionaires in a matter of years. What I'm trying to say is that it is easier these days to recreate our world. It does not matter the kind of society we live in. It does not matter if we live in a rich or poor country. Poor countries can only become rich if people decide to do something about the state of their country.
That is why I've decided to use the gifts God gave me positively. I'm going to embark on some projects very soon. You'll get to hear about these projects on this blog before the world knows about them. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but I love children. That should give you a clue about what I'm up to. May the good lord bless the work of my hands when the time comes. Say amen with me. Amen. And how was your day?
Friday, 15 May 2009
We can change things. God has given us the abilities to turn things around. Bad people can change if we put in our best to reform them. Selfish people can start giving, if we decide to show them the way by not giving up on them. I know it is difficult to change people but we can do it if we try. In the midst of all the bad circumstances of life, we are still enjoying one or two things. These facilities or tools were designed by people who did not give up on life. Your PC or Laptop was designed by people who want you to achieve more in life. You use a mobile phone, right? Your phone helps you to communicate better. What I'm trying to say is this: We can all contribute to the development of Nigeria. We can do it in different ways. Things don't have to reamain the way they are. We can be agents of change. Yes, We Can. And how
Masta Ace - The I.N.C. Ride [ REAL TALENT ON DISPLAY ].
I wonder what is wrong with Hip-Hop these days. I remember when I first listened to the juicy rap music of Masta Ace [ Duval Clear]. I was on holidays from High School [ Ijebu-Ode Grammar School, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State ] and was listening to the radio. I think it was OGBC then. That was when the Abeokuta FM station was running the show. These days, Cool FM, Ray Power 100.5, Rythm FM et al have taken over. As I was saying, the DJ played Masta Ace's INC RIDE and I really loved the track. The lyrics were cool and the beat was out of this world. It was the first time I would be listening to Masta Ace's songs.
Fast Forward to 2009 and I'm watching the video of the great track. This is rap at its best. There is no way you won't like the song. The concept behind the video is also amazing. You would see people riding different cars and feeling happy. The wording of the song makes sense unlike the lyrics of many rap songs today.
These days, rappers rap about money, big cars, women, sex and drugs. Their videos are also sickening and don't have any meaning. I'm not saying the video I posted is 100% good, but it does make sense. The song is also evergreen. So what do we learn from this? This video and song should hopefully help us to be very creative in all we do. Innovation is key to being successful in our endeavours. This is my first post in May. I'm back and I will only be stronger for it. And how was your day?
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Tim attended Oxford University and he built a working computer out of Spare parts, before he was banned from using the elite institution's computer after being caught hacking. In 1980, Tim Berbers-Lee took a job as an independent contractor at Cern, a huge physics laboratory in the Swiss Alps. Frustrated that he could not remember the connections between the variuos people and projects that filled the Laboratory, he created ENQUIRE, a primitive programme that used hypertext to link documents on his computer. He then proceeded to link the systems of his colleagues. That was how the internet started. Today, there are more than 1.5 billion internet users worldwide. Tim hardly made a penny from his creation. What a man!!
Tim has taught me to believe in the creative abilities that the good lord has deposited in me. We are all born to make an impact in this world. Are you using your gifts today? Start thinking creatively. And how was your day?
Wednesday, 29 April 2009

I got up this morning and really didn't know what to do. After saying a quick prayer, I looked out of the window. Yeah, vehicles were moving to and fro and the Buses were picking up passengers infront of my house. That's the way of the world for you. People will always go about their own businesses irrespective of the way you feel about them. That thought jolted me back to my senses. I have a part time job now, and I'm still trying to get a full time job. However, there is something I still want to do. Until I make my mark in the literary world, I will not be satisfied. I know I've got a writing talent and God is expecting me to unleash it on the world. I believe God does not give us gifts for nothing [ the black boys in South East London will say 'nuffin' ]. So I really want to use my writing gifts.
I just finished sending some articles to thejuicetimes.com. It is news website conceptualized and run by my friend, Abiola Oyewo. I believe his site will do well. April is already gone. Tomorrow is the last day of the month. My hands are itching and something tells me I will finally be able to complete a projeect of mine this year. Lets keep our fingers crossed. And how was your day?
Saturday, 25 April 2009
I believe Nigerian youths are gifted and very creative. We have what it takes to dominate the world when it comes to Entertainment. It is just that we have a government that does not care about Youth Development in the country. Gino's song ' No Be God ' is my best Nigerian Rap song. The track and video was No 1 on the list of many charts in Nigeria for months. The song is very inspirational. Thanks Gino for making my day and helping me to believe in myself.
I wish you the best in life, Gino. I also have my own dreams too. Cheers.

I stopped going to work on Wednesday night. I had been planning to change jobs for some time now. My body could not stand the rigour of working night shifts anymore. You see, I have been doing night shifts with my company for almost eight months. During those months of staying awake from 11pm to 6.45am, I gave the job my utmost best. I worked hard and I was recognised for it. Though my take home pay was not increased. I must confess that it was a tough job. Sorting plastics, cans, milk bottles and all kinds of things for Recycling. It was indeed a difficult job. It was my hardworking nature that made me continue with the job. It is all over now. I'm moving on.
One thing I have learnt in life is to understand my body. I cherish my health than the money someone is going to pay me for working for his or her company. There is nothing like moving on to better things. One cannot be in a place for ever. I've got my dreams to carry on. There are other things I want to do. Staying rooted in a place does not signify progress. I'm always on the move. The guys at the office called me and yelled at me for not coming to work. Then one of them told me I had been sacked. Not for once have I felt bothered about their decision to do away with me. I'm at peace with myself and my environment. Before I left the job, I had already gotten a Part time job. I will definately move on to bigger things. I have a winning mentality. I know that ultimately, I would have my own business. I was born to be a change bringer. The time for me to launch out on my own is getting near.
I will never be fulfilled working for others. I have always known that. I can only learn and gather financial resources from anyone I work for at this stage in my life. Like Martin Luther King said- I have a dream. Tolu Ihidero has dreams. So I need to keep learning. And Nigeria is home. How was your day?
Monday, 13 April 2009
The storms of life can keep raging, but I'm not perturbed. I hold on to the promises of Jesus Christ. With him, I know my dreams will come to pass. He has started with me, and he'll finish his work in my life.
With Jesus, I'm flying above the storms of life.
God bless you. Amen.
I will tell you more about Biola later on. We are currently involved in some projects. Biola is now into Multi-Media and Website development. He is based in the United States. He is doing some things that amaze me. I'm in awe of his design skills and current knowledge about the internet. This was a guy that jumped around the hostel grounds, back in the days, as if he had no purpose in life. He's a dynamite now and could be the next big thing in Internet business. I'm watching him like a hawk. Biola started a site- www.monitorthechange.com The site was meant to observe how President Barack Obama will fulfil his election promises. Due to a scarcity of resources, he has taken the site down. He's been up to something new recently. His new site is- www.thejuicetimes.com
I've decided to support Biola in his endeavours. These are the kind of guys that Nigeria needs. Like I said before, Nigera's Got Talent. I will post his photos on this blog soon. Hope you're enjoying the Easter Holidays. I'm not too happy these days. I'll let you know why later. Help me promote this bog. Thanks. And how was your day?
Friday, 10 April 2009
JUST GOOGLE IT: An Interview With Sergey Brin. [ Co-founder, Larry Page ]
If you look carefully at my Shelfari bookshelf, which is on this blog, you'll notice I have a book about Google on it. I am an ardent admirer of Sergin Brin and Larry Page, the founders of the highly acclaimed search engine. I became fascinated with the internet way back in 2003, and Sergey and Larry have helped me deepen my knowledge about the workings of search engines.
I will focus more on Sergey Brin in this post. This is because he is the one that mainly talks to the press. Larry is a bit reserved and loves to work behind the scenes. Sergey was born in Moscow, USSR, on August 21, 1973, to Russian Jewish parents. His father, Michael Brin, is a Mathematics Professor at the University of Maryland, USA. His mother, Eugenia Brin, is a research scientist at NASA'S Goddard space flight centre.
Sergey met Larry Page, the co-founder of Google Inc at Stanford University when he was doing his PhD in Computer Science there. They quickly became friends and were very intellectual in nature. Soon they started working on Google. They crammed their dormitory room with cheap computers and tested their new search engine designs on the web. Their project grew quickly enough to cause problems for Stanford's computing Infrastructure. They then realized they had succeeded in creating a superior engine for searching the web. This discovery made them suspend their PhD studies to work more on Google.
If you want to read more about Google, conduct an internet search yourself. Wikipedia will give you more information about the company and its founders. Google Inc has become the best search engine in the world. It is the world's largest internet company based on its search engine and online advertising technology. Sergey Brin is ranked by Forbes as the 32nd richest person in the world. Brin is worth billions of dollars. The company has also won many awards, including the Outstanding Search Service Award in 2001. Brin is a Computer Scientist, Technology Innnovator and Entrepreneur.
Everything about Google gets me excited. The Company has its own way of conducting business. Google employees hardly wear ties and suits. They dress like people going for a nice time at the Pub. They are indulged with three square meals at work. If you care to know, Google actually has an in-house cook. Google Employees can also be found playing computer games at work. However, they get the job done for Brin and Page. My advice to you is that you should pick friends that will inspire you to greatness. Don't walk with friends that cannot support your dreams. Good friends are hard to find. Sergey Brin and Larry Page are both Jews. Their parents are scholars, so they were able to positively influence their children. Try and stimulate the thinking of your kids. It would do them a lot of good.
I don't have many friends. The fewer my friends, the better for me. Most of my friends are nerds anyway. One Nigerian I admire is Seun Osewa. The founder of Nairaland and Nairalist. Nairaland has about 315,000 memebers now. Seun's sites are getting adverts from Google these days. I admire Seun because he started Nairaland as a forum where Nigerians and friends of Nigeria can exchange ideas. His Nairalist is also people oriented. Learn a lesson from this. Think about others. As for me, I have my own plans. And how was your day?
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Saturday, 4 April 2009
I decided to conduct a search on the internet during the week. If you can remember, I made a promise in one of my posts to make TOLU'S PARADISE outstanding this year. If you've noticed, my blog has not been having a lot of pictures to complement the words I've been spewing out. So I decided to do what many a great mind would have done- I decided to scour the web for sites where I can get free pictures and photographs. Thanks to Google, My search delivered many websites to me. The sites providing free photos for bloggers are many. Before I go on, I will like to ask you this question. What are you doing to make the lives of other citizens under the sun better? I'm asking this question because I know some people in different continents decided to help creative types like me, to make their online experience good, by providing free pictures for them to download for their personal use.
Back to the issue of direct marketing. Nigerians need to embrace the concept of Direct Marketing as the economy continues to expand. Companies in Nigeria must realize that it is not enough to place adverts on the Radio, Television and in Newspapers and Magazines. Adverts placed in the electronic media are fleeting and they might be quickly forgotten. I'm not ruling out putting adverts on our screens and on the airwaves, but research has shown that Direct Marketing pulls in more customers than other kinds of advertising. I have this belief that if Mr Biggs, Tantalizers, Sweet Sensation, Tastee Fried Chicken and other fast food outlets start utilizing the power of direct marketing, they will increase their customer base and make more money. Research has shown that many Nigerians need that fast food outlets are meant for rich people. So they don't even bother patronizing Tantalizers and Co. So why can't Mr Biggs and the rest of the fast food gang bring their services direct to Nigerian homes?
Direct Marketing does not cost much. It is a whole lot cheaper than other forms of advertising. Leaflets can do the job for both Small businesses and established big business alike. Leaflets do not cost much to print. What is vital is that the leaflets should be colourful, well designed and carry a strong message. Good images should be used on the leaflets. Images of cakes , meat pies, balloons etc will be suitable for a leaflet that is promoting a Fat Food joint. The prices of the snacks and food items should also be listed on the flyer or leaflet. Phone numbers, websites and email addresses of the eateries should also be displayed on the leaflets. My advice to any graphics designer or printer looking for Leaflet Design ideas is this- Conduct a search on the internet.
Creative advertising is what is needed in the Nigerian business environment. Many small businesses are failing because their founders are not innovative enough. They also don't want to go the extra mile of creating awareness for their business concerns. They just sit back and expect customers to come to them. In the end, the business collapses and packs up. I'm going to upload an image I downloaded from the web with this post. If it works, it will be the beginning of solid pictures appearing on my blog. I will give you a link to many of these sites that provide free pictures later on. If you're a small business owner, you need to start thinking of direct advertising and marketing. It is time to start giving the big businesses a run for their money. Cheers. And how was your day?
Thursday, 2 April 2009
I can still remember my days as a boarding house student at Ijebu-Ode Grammar School, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria. There were days when I would have nothing in my locker to eat. The food served by the school authorities was nothing to write home about. I can recall that I often begged for Gari and Sugar from some of my friends and hostel mates. I still wondered how I survived back in those days when Hip-Hop was still in its truest form. Back in those days of Heavy D, KrissKross, Queen Latifah, Guru and DJ Premier [ Gangstarr ], Hammer, etc etc. I thank God that I survived the siege called ' exixtence ' from 1990-1995. Nothing has come to me on a platter of Gold since I was born. I've had to fight for some of the things I have today.
I love my country, Nigeria. After travelling out of Nigeria and seeing what obtains in Britain, I have come to love my country deeply. Nigeria is a blessed country. We have a nice weather and practically any crop can be grown in the country. There was a time I travelled to Abuja in 2002 [ I was also in Abuja in 2005 ]. As the Luxury Bus passed through Kogi State onward to the Federal Capital, I could not help being proud of the scenery. I saw forests, rock formations and hills that reminded me of some states in America. Nigeria is indeed beautiful. When I was serving in Ondo State, I was privileged to visit places like Owo, Ikare- Akoko, Ipele, Owena, Sabotu [ Riverine area ] and I also lived in Akure. Nigerian states have an amazing scenery. The problem with my coutry is bad leadership. Our leaders are mostly visionless and very greedy.
However, I believe we can make it if we try. It is time for all of us to start believing in Nigeria. Gino did not leave the country before shooting that great video. Change has come to Nigeria and it is the citizens that have brought about the change themselves. A lot of positive things are going on in Nigeria amidst the lack of basic infrastructure. Ordinary Nigerians are on the move. The country is being rebranded and my prayer is that Dora Akunyili will succeed where others have failed. At the end of Gino's video is the saying- ' No food for lazy man '. I agree with the dude. Hardwork pays. Let us put a lot of effort into anything we do. Our breakthrough will come when we least expect it. We can make it if we try. We need to make Nigeria the country it is destined to be. As for me, its hey no stopping me now, I'm on the move. And how was your day?
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Anyway, I dug up an interesting fact today from a book I was reading. I guess you've heard of the gun AK-47? Yeah, you might have also seen soldiers and Military Policemen wielding AK-47's in Nigeria. The full meaning of AK is ' avtomat Kalashnikova ' which means Kalashnikov's Automatic. The 47 means the year the gun was selected as the official weapon of the Soviet Union. The name of the man who invented the AK-47 is Mikhail Kalashnikov. The gun is light and easy to use. Former Soviet Union school boys were taught to clean and assemble the weapon in an average of 2 minutes. No wonder the rifle has become very popular all over the world. The Russians must have made pretty good money selling the weapon.
The AK-47 has been used for both good and evil tasks. It has been used by the Mafia in Italy to settle scores during territorial wars. It has alo been used by Armed Gangs in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The weapon is also being used to maintain law and order by Government agencies in different countries. The United Nations also gives the gun to soldiers for peace keeping missions [ I believe only God can guarantee peace in the world ] in war-torn countries. Hmn, what a fact. I hope you loved my lecture. And how was your day?
Friday, 27 March 2009
P Diddy - I'll be missing you [ Remembering Rotimi Leigh ].
Rotimi Leigh was a young man with a lot of technical abilities. I was not so close to him but he was a friend of my family. His younger brother, Lanre Leigh, is my friend. The last time I was around him was in late 2007. I went to the Leigh's home that day and he was in his room. We talked for a long time that day. We also took a walk with his Rottweiller.
I learnt of his death two days ago. What a waste of talent. We live in a strange world. I am still in shock concerning his death. God, why did you allow the cruel hands of death to take him at a time when his life has just started to blossom? I was told he complained of headache and was taken to the hospital where he died.
I posted this video as a tribute to Rotimi Leigh. He was a good man, though he had his own flaws. I can still remember how he sounds when he talks. I can still remember the brightness in his eyes when he spoke about his dreams. I will really miss him. We cannot always understand why people die unexpectedly. Only God knows why he took Rotimi from us. May his soul rest in peace. We all need to know that life is short . We need to make the best out of life positively. Death is certain. However, it would be good if we die and leave a good name behind. Rotimi Leigh, once more, Rest in Peace.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
So I'm determined to fulfil my destiny and do God's will.
I have started writing my business plan.
Why don't you join me on this journey of self fulfilment?
May the good lord help us to make money work for us and not to work for money all the time. Cheers. And how was your day?
Friday, 20 March 2009
The land is indeed Green. The harvest is ready and the lord is telling me so. I want you to ask yourself this question- What efforts am I making to ensure Nigeria is a better place to live in? We have talked and complained for many years. It is time for us to join our hands and hearts together to make Nigeria better.
I admire TY Bello's patriotism and her musical talent. She is one of my role models who makes me believe that good things can come out of Nigeria. She is using all her creative gifts to place Nigeria on the world map. No matter how bad the economy of the country is, you can find your pot of Gold if you're hardworking and very creative. If you've seen the blockbuster movie, SlumDog Milionaire, you will understand what I'm saying. I posted this lovely video on my blog to inspire you to do something about the gifts God has placed in you. Your talent can unlock the doors that might have been closed against you. And how was your day?
Feel free to comment on this blog. It will make my day. Cheers.
NB: TY Bello is a former member of KUSH, Nigeria's first contemporary urban gospel music group.
I have green blood in my veins. I'm proud to be Nigerian. I have this deep belief that Nigeria will attain her manifest destiny. Nigerians have been through a lot. They have suffered from the bad policies of military adventurers who found or blasted their way into the corridors of power. They have sometimes been under the siege of armed robbers who operative as if there is no Police Force in the land. Nigerians have also been denied the use of basic infrastructure which would have made life easier for them. Many leaders in the country have been visionless for a long time, and the citizens have been impoverished in a land with many resources. I make bold to say that Nigeria has all what it takes to become a rich and industrialized nation. Our leaders just need to start thinking deeply. The time has come for Nigeria to put the Western nations to shame. Since the western media delights in reporting negative news about Nigeria [ I know Nigeria has corrupt leaders and a small number of fraudulent citizens, but does that mean people in Europe and America are saints? ], I feel it is time our leaders start the reconstruction of the country.
I will be very happy when I live in a country with electricity 24 hours daily. I want to live in a country with smooth roads and a functional railway system. I want Nigerian universities to start competing with universities in the USA and Britain. I desire a country where food crops are processed into finished products. All our oranges, mangoes, pine apples, carrots, bananas, plantains etc etc can be used to produce all kinds of finished food products that can be exported to other parts of the world and also consumed locally. I have found out that many Nigerians in the diaspora are really concerned about the development of their country. There is a lot of discussion going on over the internet daily about what could be done to make Nigeria great again. I believe Nigeria needs her children who are abroad. The exposure gained by Nigerians abroad could prove very vital in the reconstruction of the country. Nigerians are really contributing to the development of other countries. They need to be invited back home by President Umaru Yar'Adua and given resources to build cottage industries and contribute to research in our universities. I have green blood running in my veins. I am a descendant of great men and women. I am proud to be an african, but I am also grateful to Britain in many ways. It is time to rebuild Nigeria. Please start thinking about the reconstruction of Nigeria today. God bless Nigeria. And how was your day?
Sunday, 15 March 2009
ONLINE PAYMENT COMPANIES: A lot of trade is going on in Nigeria presently. People are buying and selling all kinds of things, from cars, electronic products, books, clothes to insurance and even goats [ those mallams @Agege!! ]. However, many Nigerians have to pay money directly to get these goods from the sellers. This causes a lot of incovenience to the buyers and sellers alike. The buyer might be in Kaduna State while the seller is in Lagos [ Eko o ni baje o ]. While the buyer might find it difficult to come to Lagos, the seller is often in a dangerous position if he carries too much cash. Armed Robbers can strike anytime. Anyone that starts an online payment comapany in Nigeria will make a lot of money. I don't even know what the banks are doing concerning online payment. Once the company assures Nigerians that their bank details are safe, I know Nigerians will start paying for goods and services online. Buying and selling is booming in Nigeria. And with the coming of Seun Osewa's nairalist.com, trade will increase further in Nigeria. IT eggheads, start doing something about this business idea.
FOOD PACKAGING AND DISTRIBUTION: This is another business idea that is sure to be a money spinner. I wonder what would happen if all the Bukas and food joints around us in Nigeria start engaging in Home Service for their customers. Since there are mobile phones in Nigeria and the internet is penetrating fast, we should start thinking of ordering for Eba, Amala, Iyan , Rice and Beans from the comfort of our homes and offices. Some guys and ladies need to put on their thinking caps here. They can start small businesses that will work alongside these Mama Lasisis and Eba Ibo joints all over the country. What is needed is a vehicle, a mobile phone and the sealed plastic bowls that will contain the food to be delivered. The companies will make sure the Canteens and Bukas maintain a strong hygiene while preparing the food. The canteens will pay delivery costs and a commission to the delivering company and operatives. Start thinking, folks.
SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS BUSINESS: We are in the age of information. Nigerians need to be informed properly. A lot of the publications on sale in Nigeria tend to cover all possible topics under the sun. Nigerians need Magazines, Gazettes and Newspapers that are specialist in nature. I have done some research on this issue. Nigeria does not currently have a solid Agricultural Magazine. Many farmers in Nigeria do not know what obtains in the advanced world. Knowledge is power and I believe Nigerian Farmers need timely information that will help them in their daily living and businesses. This also applies to other sectors of the economy. To Publish a specialist Publication, one needs to be well informed and creative with words and pictures. It is an area where the mighty have fallen. However, with good strategies, there is a lot of money to be made in this business. So why don't you dump your boss and do something about this idea?
LEAFLET DESIGN AND DISTRIBUTION/PROMOTION BUSINESS: One of the problems hindering businesses in Nigeria is the near comatose condition of Direct Marketing. Many businesses believe in placing adverts in Newspapers and Magazines alone. This has proved to be their undoing. Their dependence on large media outlets has led to their not having enough customers. Face2faceMarketing will change the way business is done in Nigeria in the near future. Guys and Gals, if you're good at designing stuff on the PC, this is the right time to start a Leaflet Design and Distribution business. It is not a capital intensive business. You can start small. You will have to get operatives to deliver the leaflets into people's homes for you. You will have to pay them too. Let me let you into a little secret. Those secondary school boys and girls in your area can do the job for you at a small price. They can work for you after school hours and on Weeekends. Figure out how to approach businesses and companies yourself. Remember, Ideas are capital. So start thinking.
KUNG-FU, KARATE, DANCING, ART, DRAMA & OTHER TALENT CLASSES: If you've got a natural talent, this is the kind of business for you. There are many people in Nigeria who want to learn certain skills. My research shows that many young boys and girls in Nigeria don't know how to dance. And they want someone to teach them how to impress their peers with their moves on the dancefloor. Why don't you tap into this opportunity? I've seen guys that want to be Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. They are looking for someone to teach them self defence. Don't forget that we have cultists in our campuses and on the streets. If you've got any of the natural gifts mentioned, this is the time to start making money with your gifts. Get some promotional materials printed, distribute them all over the place and watch your phone start buzzing. People are out there waiting for you to announce your business. Do something now.
I have thousands of ideas in my head. I gave out this 5 ideas freely without collecting any money. As God gave me, I'm giving to you freely. However, one thing I want you to know is this- You have to start reeading widely if you want to succeed in any of the business ideas listed. Rememeber, if you're not informed, you are deformed. Feel free to comment on this post and other posts on my blog. I will send this post as a link to you in your inbox. Forward it to your friends and loved ones. They need to read it. Thanks. And how was your day?
Friday, 13 March 2009
I will be using all kinds of resources I find on the net to develop my blog. Pictures, videos, wall papers, poems, news feeds etc will be scoured from the web and put on the blog for my devoted readers. I believe that what is worth doing is worth doing well. I know there will be pain and lots of hardwork ahead, but I am determined to make this work. I will surmount all obstacles along the way with the help of God. I am in this for the long haul. I know I have a gift from God. The marriage of me and my pen is like magic. I want to use this gift that the father has given me to his glory. I want to boost the readership of this blog and also improve its content. All this will require some hardwork and innovation. Let me have your ideas and suggestions for the development of this blog. We will all soon be in our own paradise where we will make money work for us and not always work for money. Amen. And how was your day?
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
www.nairaland.com [ for information on Nigeria and Nigerians ]
www.nairalist.com [ for jobs in Nigeria ]
www.lulu.com [ self publishing ]
www.shelfari.com [ maintaining a personal online library ]
www.simpletruths.com [ a site that motivates and inspires people with vision ]
www.bestjobnigeria.com [ Nigerian job site ]
www.jobnownow.com [ Nigerian job site ]
www.derbjobs.com [ Nigerian job site ]
I hope you'll enjoy going through the websites above. As for me, I'm enjoying my adventures on the web. I'm sailing to discovery and fulfilment island. And how was your day?
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Kush - Lets Live Together
This song is so special to me. Anytime I listen to it, I just thank the lord for giving us different creative abilities. Though Kush as a band has gone extinct [ Some hardcore fans of the group believe the quartet will come together again for a sophomore album ], their album - THE EXPERIENCE- is still selling and it is also relant.
Meanwhile, KUSH memebers are doing well individually. TY Bello [ She's my favourite ] has released her solo album, and I love the track, '' Greenland ''. It is a very patriotic song about Nigeria's future greatness. TY is also a photographer and philantrophist. Lara Bajomo [ I love her voice ] is married and has also released her solo album, I love her song '' Ijoba Orun ''. Lara is an architect by profession. Emem Ema Obasi [ The Rapper ] has a Media Business of her own. She was given an award by the British Council for Musical Entrepreneurship some years ago. She is a lawyer. Dapo Torimiro is the only male in the group He is based in California, USA . Dapo is really doing well for himself as a composer, arranger, and Music producer. The four of them met at Unilag. They were members of Pastor Paul Adefarasin's church, House on the Rock. I hope you enjoyed '' Lets Live Together '' . You can view and comment on more of their songs on YOUTUBE..
If you love this blog, help me promote it by word of mouth. I promise to keep making the blog better. Email me at ; tolu.ihidero@gmail.com
And how was your day?
'' It is our choices that determine who we are, far more than our abilities ''
- J.K Rowling.
The quote above is solid. J.K Rowling has said it all. We can have all the gifts, talents and abilities in the world, but if we make the wrong choices, we might not achieve anything in the end. We need to put in some effort to become successful in life. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books.
'' Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it. ''
- Sir Henry Royce
Sir Henry Royce is a wordsmith. We need to give our all in anything we lay our hands on. In a world where you can be easily discouraged for being hardworking, this quote is a soothing balm. Let us heed the advice of Sir Royce. Work hard and be innovative.
Hey, it is March. Try and manage your time effectively this month. Time is precious and I just recently realized it. 2009 is slipping away. Make March and the remaining months count. And how was your day? Cheers.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
I remember when I was growing up back in the 80's and early 90's. Things had not become as critical as they are these days. I dreamt of a world that would be full of love in the future. Nigeria was still a functional country then. Though some of the problems we have had started creeping in, things were not as bad as this. Nigeria, today,is a dysfunctional nation. The quality of most things in the world seems to be deteriorating. Music in the 80's and 90's was really good to listen to. The artists then did not have to use all the computer technology of these days to sound cool. They were naturally gifted and they knew how to play instruments like the guitar, Piano, Drums, accordion etc. The songs also had meaning. And man, they really made an impact on listeners. They might not have sold a lot copies of their albums like artists [ Can we really call the likes of Tuface, 9ice, Modenine, Idris Abdulkareem, Tony Tetuila, etc musicians? Be the judge. ] Nigeria also produces a lot of movies these days, but these movies do not win awards or get duly recognised in the western world. I must admit that Nollywood is really making much impact in Africa and among the African Diaspora.
I could go on complaning about the state of things but I feel there is no need to do that. It is clear that man does not have control over the destiny of this world. Man has tried to combat terrorism and other evils and he has failed. Man has tried to stop hunger and starvation, but he is still struggling to overcome this obstacle that threatens many countries in the world. Divorce is high these days and true love is becoming very hard to find. It seems people have forgoten the source of true love. So they keep looking for love in the wrong places. That is why heartbreakers continue to flourish all around the world. I'm not trying to preach to you or bible bash, but I believe the key to happiness in this world is God. He is the only one that can give you hope when the future looks so bleak. The world desperately needs God at this moment. We can not do it alone. Let us admit it. As for me, I believe in the power of the almighty God. I believe in Jesus, his son who died for my sins. That is why I know that my future will be great. Thank you lord, for everything. The world is facing bleak times. Take control, lord. And how was your day? Cheer up.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Listening to Ginger Williams in 2009 is refreshing. All thanks to YOUTUBE. Folks all over the world log on to YOUTUBE to watch their favourite videos and do all kinds of stuff. You can find anything on the site these days from Documentaries, Movies, Music Videos, News broadcasts, Sports, Xrated stuff, etc. The great thing about YOUTUBE is that it can be operated by anyone. There is no Station Manager to control you and tell you what to post on the site. There is only a Moderator who removes material he or she considers inappropriate from the site. The site is owned by Google- Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Remember them? They are the brains behind Google- the world's Leviathan in Search. I am impressed by the services YOUTUBE is providing for us all. Why not make a video and upload it on YOUTUBE? Someone could view you from any part of the world and notice your talent. Some great artistes got signed after Record companies saw them singing on YOUTUBE. I plan to play Ginger's songs to my wife, when I get hitched. In recent years, the concept of selling creativity has changed. It is all in your hands now. Do what you can to better yourself with the technology at your finger tips. Cheers. And how was your day?