I grew up being told that there were six continents in the world- Africa [ My continent which I hold dearly to my heart ] , South America, North America, Asia, Oceania and Europe. Today, there are arguments that the continents are more than six. To some Geographers, we have seven continents. The Geographers include Antartica on the list. Some scholars also believe that we have eight continents. In some other countries like the United States [ I call the USA a salad bowl ], High School students are sometimes taught of the existence of Five continents. The two American continents being lumped together as one. In recent years, another continent has been discovered. That continent is not physical like the others discovered before it. While other continents have boundaries and are governed by political organizations, with numerous Nations led by Politicians, this new continent has amazing characteristics.
It is a continent that has no leaders and physical boundaries. This continent has no borders and cannot be measured. This continent exists in an undefined space and it could be ubiquitous. It is a continent that is rich in information, images and width. This continent lies at the mercy of those who travel on it. This continent is full of opportunities for those who can dare to possess and creatively exploit it. This continent I'm talking about is the internet. Have you ever sat down to think about what you can do with this mighty tool at your disposal? Yeah, the internet is at your beck and call. You don't need a visa to travel to this continent. You don't need to think of boarding a flight across the atlantic and the deserts to get to this continent. This continent is just around the corner, at the nearest cybercafe. If you can afford to get connection at home, it is just at your front. The possibilities of the internet are endless. It depends on what you want to do with it.
I am not going to bore you with what human beings have been able to do on the World Wide Web. As you know, the internet has changed the way we live. It has changed the way we relate to one another and it has changed the way we do business. It is clearly up to you to use the internet for either positive or negative things.
We live in the information age where business, according to Bill Gates, is done at the speed of thought. What Gates is saying here is that Business these days is powered by Technology. And the technology that powers Business is the internet and Personal computers. They both work together to make business defy borders and bureaucracy. The internet has fostered a new generation of internet entrepreneurs. Think of Amazon [ The Bookseller ] and Jeff Bezos, Think of Ebay [ The Auctioneers ] and Pierre Omidyar, Think of Microsoft [ The software leviathan ] and Bill Gates and Think of Gumtree, London's spectacular site, which has spread like cancer to other countries. Then think of MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Aol, etc. I want to ask a question here: What are you doing with this continent that lies in your hands? Do you know that you can power your business with the internet? Do you know that you can change your life with this unique technology? Think about what you can do with the internet. Don't be left behind. As for me, I am an infopreneur and I have gradually started treading on this continent. I am looking at the road ahead with optimism. I can't say this is exactly what lies ahead of me, but I have my creator backing me. God is alive. I place my hope in him. Are you on Facebook yet? I'm not on this popular social networking site for now. Don't laugh at me, please. Anyway,how was your day? Cheers.